I Took A Break From Social Media, Here’s What I learned

“For me, I knew it was time to take a break from social media when it became mudane and a chore to weed through my feed a few times a day. For a long time I looked forward to hearing about the good things that were happeing with my friends and family, rejoicing in their triumphs and touchtone moments, lending support, encouragement when someone needed it, even shedding a tear when someone lost a parent, a spouse, a child. It made me feel like I was being a friend and part of a close knit family. But there started to come a time where I began to feel isolated and disconnected from some of my Facebook friends and family, and it became painful to feel like a stranger on the outside looking in.”

The Promise

I have a confession to make.  I have stumbled upon the ultimate lie and the most brilliant truth that we can ever tell ourselves.  Every moment, every new life, every new beginning is wrought with excitement, with possibilities, and the hope, that all will be wonderful, beautiful….right.  The promise of everything good, everything that can, and…

Antiques. Fine Wine. Old.

I have a confession to make. I am committed to growing old gracefully, to obliterating and diminishing, any wrinkle that shows up on my face, to keeping my hair, long, free of grays, perfectly colored and coiffed, to stay youngish…relevant, ME!  Now while I am committed, and all in, society on the other hand is…

Weapons of Self Destruction and Other Casualties

I have a confession to make. I am my own worst enemy!  Methodically, calculating, at any given moment, I am…raging a war inside myself, and in 51 years, I have amassed an arsenal of weapons of self-destruction, that I am ready to unleash on myself in a moments notice, with my finger on the trigger. …

Assertiveness. The New Sexy

I have a confession to make.  I have not always been the self-assured, sinfully witty, assertive, badass, I am today! I was not even in the same realm! For many years I struggled to fit in, to not feel invisible, and to rise above the madness and self-doubt that plagued my manic mind with self-defeating,…

The Big O….What’s New in Getting You There

I have a confession to make….I have always been a free spirit, open minded, able and willing to, get in touch with my feminine side, and embrace it in all of it’s sexy, heavenly, glory.   I take responsibility and relish in making things happen, including my orgasms.  Now don’t get me wrong, I have a willing and…

Unapologetic-ally YOU. The Psychology of Apology

I have a confession to make. I was…a serial apologizer. Like many women, I have the disease to please, let me rephrase that.  I had, the disease to please.  I am now cured of this.  Years of therapy and psychoanalysis will do that.  So will, getting tired of assuming blame for everything gone wrong, in an effort to…

Conditions Be Damned….Unconditional Love

I have a confession to make.   I finally understand what love is….. It is the indescribable bliss you feel when you see him from across a crowded room, the way your heart skips a beat, still.. when he smiles, the familiar way he feels against your skin.  It is the pain you feel deep inside. …

Stella Got Her Groove Back, and So Can You

In the wildly famous, very funny 1998 movie, Stella, played by the sexy, Angela Bassett, is a powerful business woman, who is too busy with raising her son and her career to have a life, and after some persuading, is finally talked into living a little and getting away on a long overdue”vaca”, with her…

Love and Our Lexicon

lex·i·con [ˈleksiˌkän, ˈleksiˌkən] lexicon (noun) the vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge: “the size of the English lexicon” Ever since I was a little girl words have fascinated me.  I began reading at a very early age, and I believe this became intertwined with my love for writing and my love of words. …